2017 - Present: Dendritic Integration in Distal Dendrites

2015 - 2016: Mechanisms of Gamma Oscillations in Visual Cortex

Optically activating neurons in the pattern of my name. Patch pipette recording network response.

     Technical explanation: This work focused on the cellular basis of visually-evoked gamma oscillations (30hz peak) in mouse V1 using a combination of in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology methods coupled with optogenetic manipulations. Our core discovery was that somatostatin-expressing cortical interneurons are necessary and sufficient for entraining gamma oscillations. These findings impact our understanding of dendritic integration as well as mechanisms for plasticity and development.

I collaborated on this project with Julia Veit.


Peer Reviewed Publications:

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:

Acute optogenetic control of nociceptor activity.
Hakim R, Adesnik H
Berkeley Senior Thesis. Berkeley Library. 2014 (PDF)

The effect of low intensity direct current on starch production in Aspidistra elatior.
Hakim R, Booth D
Marymount College Independent Research. Marymount College Library. 2012